Exterior Paint to Withstand Our Seasons

Bangladesh being a tropical country, heat and humidity are elemental things that the people living here have to deal with. We are blessed with six seasons that have their own climatic traits, and each has its distinctive effects on our buildings. It is the exterior paints that take the most of the damage, which is why it is very important to know which product to use, how, and who to consult regarding achieving a long-lasting exterior paint job. The exterior color of your home may have more of an impact on the temperature inside than you think. There is no set percentage or amount of this effect, though, because paint color is not the only consideration when it comes to your home’s interior temperature. How much the exterior of your home impacts the temperature inside will depend on a handful of factors, including:


  • The roof color and whether it’s also light or dark
  • How much of your home is light or dark
  • The amount, size, and quality of windows you have
  • How much sunlight or shade your house is in
  • Your indoor heating and cooling solutions
  • The material used throughout your home’s exterior


When the time comes to repaint your home’s exterior, the right materials can go a long way towards protecting your home from things like mold, mildew, and insects that are attributable to the quality of the paint and its titanium dioxide level. Weather is a major factor in the life expectancy of your paint. Exposure to the elements is a significant contributor to fading and damage. There are many different paints and techniques that can be used to keep your house’s exterior looking great. These methods can help you select the right one for your local climate. We have listed some common climate characteristics that should be protected your home from in this article.


Managing The Heat

Paint in hot climates will have the most serious problems. Exposure to the sun’s UV rays can cause paint to fade rapidly and dull your home’s exterior. When temperatures rise, it can cause cracking and curling. Many types of UV-resistant paint are available that can keep their colors even after prolonged exposure to the sun. If it is frequently exposed to direct sunlight, standard paint will fade at about 7% per annum. UV-resistant paint only fades by 2% annually. This allows you to get a much more vibrant coat of paint in hot climates.


Dealing with Weather Tantrums

Extreme temperature fluctuations can have a devastating effect on exterior paint jobs. Constant temperature fluctuations can cause peeling, chipping, and fading. Acrylic paint will be the best choice in these situations. Acrylic paint made from 100% acrylic is strong and adheres well to your home’s surface. It is more durable and can hold onto the surface, making it more resilient to extreme weather. It prevents moisture from getting into the wood and causing mold growth when it heats up.


Let It Rain

Mold and mildew can pose a serious problem for those who live in areas that are rainy. Mold can cause serious damage to your house and can even lead to lung irritation or allergies. For homeowners who live in moist climates, mold mitigation should be their number one priority.

A great way to prevent moisture from forming harmful spores is to use mildew-resistant paint. It is most commonly used in bathrooms and other areas of the home, but it can also be used outside to protect your house from bacteria and mold.


When The Chill Rises

One of the most important things to do if your home experiences bipolar cold weather is to apply a high-quality primer before painting. A primer with high adhesion will ensure that the paint sticks to the house’s surface and lasts longer in low temperatures. It will prevent cracking and chipping from heavy snow and icy buildup. You can also use low-temperature paints as your final coat to get the best results. Many products are called “cold set” paints and are made to withstand low temperatures. These paints often contain special curing agents that promote the right cure rate, dry coats faster, and are more durable in colder environments.
Knowing what types of paint will be the best for different climates can help you make the right decision for your particular house. Wherever your home might be, bti Property Management can help you pick out the most suitable paint for your climate. Our professional technicians can come up with a solution and keep your home looking fresh and new no matter what the weather is like!

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